Friday, June 28, 2013

When she wants to walk, she WaLKS and when she wants to roll, She Rolls!

Our daughter has a walker. Our little old lady baby is cruising around the house with a walker. It's really kind of cute. Now, she has ankle braces and a walker all in hopes of getting this baby big girl walking on her own. Sophia turned 18 months yesterday and she is now officially a delayed walker. The therapist was impressed with how quickly Sophia took to using the walker. Her hopes are for Sophia to no longer need the walker after a few weeks of use. It is a tool to use to get her more mobile and to give her confidence in her cruising. To us, it'd just another thing. We are always adding one more thing to our "normal" little world. I am always for adding the new things if it is going to help Sophia in anyway possible. Only thing now, is we definitely need a bigger, a more open concept home for her. We have been saying this since we first brought all of her stuff into our home. Now with her on the walker, I see the need growing. She walks so far then runs into something and then I have to come adjust her because she hasn't figured out steering and really lacks some upper arm strength to turn the walker on her own. Is it a need or a want? I don't know but I want to need it. I really hope the walker helps. I hate that she put a "time frame" on it because if that time comes and she misses it I do not want to feel disappointed. A lot of Sophia's walking delays are due to the inner ear being under-developed and affecting her balance. Its a "CHARGE" thing. For now, we can take the walker with us to the park and out and about and have her use that to walk around. Of course she will get tired from time to time so it will be at her pace as in all things Sophia. So for now we are WALKING and ROLLING around our house.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! She is such a big girl and SO cute!!!
