Nothing surpasses the feeling of being accomplished. Accomplished and proud. Knowing how far Sophia as came and watching her one by one knock down the obstructions in her life's path as by far made me the most proud mommy on earth. She amazes me daily. Today, I am completely full of heart. A smile on my face, not even the most negative of people can take away from me. Sophia met with her pulmonary doctor today and wowed them with her progress. We heard every answer we wanted to hear today. I knew she could do it. I knew she was ready. Sophia knew SHE was READY. Sophia is now on trach collar all day with oxygen and CPAP (vent) with rate at night or during long naps. Being on trach collar all day is the best news so far. Something we have been longing to hear since moments after her trach surgery. Being on trach collar will allow for so much continued improvements physically and with her developmentally. Also, being on the trach collar during the day makes Sophia an easy...easier baby to travel with. For travel trach collar she is on an HME and oxygen only. WOW! That is so awesome. You have no idea. Right now, we still are required to bring everything with us for emergencies but not everything has to be attached to my baby at once. So for, now we are super portable but still limited by time and oxygen. We can only be on the travel collar for limited times and the travel oxygen tends to run out quickly but you know what...who's complaining at this point. This is amazing! I think we will be pleasantly surprised by the time, the ease, and the simple peace of mind knowing she is breathing on her own. She is getting stronger and improving. In two weeks, we should be visiting speech pathology again to discuss the pacimere valve. This appointment and that valve...AAHHH I can't even describe what that means to me. I have big hopes to hear that tiny cry of my sweet baby girl. In a month, we will revisit pulmonary and then discuss a sleep study. During the sleep study, we will be determining if Sophia is ready to come off the vent at night or if they need/can make changes to the vent settings at night. The last change of the day was a trach change. They increased the size of her trach to help with leaks and in the hopes to stop those sneaky decannulations. After a trip to xray we were ready to start the new adventures. I was so happy when the doctor told us all of this fantastic news today. I literally threw my hands in the air with excitement. Sophia looked at me like I was crazy. Crazy about her...always. On our trip home from Riley, we thought we would surprise daddy at work and show him the good news. I think he was just as excited as I was. We are just thrilled by her progress. Thrilled for our family. Thrilled for Sophia. She has no idea how wonderful she truly is to us. Now we have reached a huge turning point in Sophia's health. Sophia has reached a huge goal. We are only steps closer from being vent free. Many prayers, good tidings, and happy thoughts for continued success and accomplishments.

Wonderful news! Please know that your Triton family continues to pray for you and cheer for you:)