In the moment our daughter was born my husband never shined more as a man, a husband, and a father. The change was instant for him. Without hesitation, fear, or reservation John immediately became a Daddy. I have never loved him more than I did in the first days when he whole-heartedly stepped into a new life and new role as protector, as defender, as healer, as husband, as father. In the mist of our despair, John was there. He was there holding me up and wiping my tears and he was there by Sophia's side day and night. He was there through all of the first tests and exams and ambulance rides. He was there. Since that time, John continues to be there. He is there to hold us to make us laugh. He is there to give hugs and wipe tears. He is there to provide for us and love us. I love the way John loves our daughter. The way his face lights up when he sees her. The way she smiles at him when he comes home from work. I love the way he says "Daddy's home Sophia". I love the way he still secretly tears up when he thinks I'm not looking because he knows how special she is and how lucky we are and how far we've come. I love how he protects us and defends us. I love that he is involved. I love the way he believes and the hopes he has for us. I love his honestly about our situation. I love mostly that he will always love Sophia. I know he will always do anything and everything in his power to be her super hero. Secretly he is mine too. Anyone can become a father, but it truly takes a man with a special heart to become a Daddy. John you amaze me everyday. I am so lucky to have you as a husband but more importantly I am so lucky to have you as the father of our baby girl. Sophia will always be lucky to have you. So, on your first Father's Day, I hope you feel proud knowing you are one hell of a daddy. Be proud in knowing you make a difference in her life. Be proud knowing you are a father. Wear the title with honor for you are amongst the GREATS and I am so proud of who you are. I love you so deeply John. Thank you for always being the best husband and daddy Sophia and I could ever ask for.

Amanda and Sophia
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