Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Very humbled...

I know it has been a few days... The past couple of nights Sophie has been fighting an up and down fever. Her blood pressure has also been very low at times. The doctors have started her on three strong antibiotics and ordered labs. They put Sophie in isolation for the time being which means gowns and gloves when we visit. It also gave us our own space for a little while. They nurses hung pictures and decorated our new digs for them. So far all of the labs have came back negative. Which is great news. Today, she has been fever free and has had a regular temperature since early this morning. They are going to keep close watch for 24 hrs to make sure she is in the clear until they remove the isolation precautions. She seemed to be doing better today so we will keep our fingers crossed we our on the upward move. Sophie has also had her first trach change. Doc said it is healing nicely. She has also had all of her stitches removed. I was finally able to hold her today and give her a bath. Mommy and Sophie both enjoyed that very, very much.

 You know through all of this, John and I have been very, very blessed and humbled by all of the support and love we have been receiving from everyone. I started this blog in order to share our story with loved ones and to keep them updated. I have also found comfort in being able to speak openly about what is going on in our lives. It is so refreshing to hear the encouraging words from our supporters. It seems like any time we are at a low, I get such amazing and inspiring advice that lifts me right back up. John and I want to let you all know we without a doubt thank you all for showing us such amazing support and love.  We are humbled by your thoughts, prayers, and actions. You are not going without notice! We can not wait for Sophia to hear, see and know all of this same love and support. It is so wonderful to know people are good. There always seems to be a pattern of bad things happening to good people but it often goes unnoticed that those same good people always pull together for each other. Amazing! We are blessed beyond blessed by the people we know in our lives and we take great joy knowing we get to share that blessing with Sophia. And in return we our happy to share our blessing with you.

1 comment:

  1. :-) Very relieved by the post. Thank you. Yea for baths!!! They make EVERYONE feel better.
